Beat the Blerch Virtual Half Marathon 10/19/21 Cedar Falls, IA
Friday, October 22, 2021
Race Recap: Beat the Blerch Virtual Half Marathon
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Jumping to Age Group
Well, it was bound to happen eventually. My buddy Wes has talked me into attempting...AGE GROUP. This is a competitive division with strict rules. Racers must complete all obstacles without assistance and perfectly according to the rules for each obstacle, or do all penalty burpees. Normally, I would avoid Age Group like the plague, since I prefer to have the option to get a boost on certain things, or if I'm in dire straights to modify the burpees or do a different penalty entirely.
But Wes made the excellent point that, in a Stadion race, there are only 15 penalty burpees per failure. I am also capable of running a clean Stadion, and did so at Wrigley in 2019. The obstacles are within my comfort zone and I don't require boosts. Hence, I have signed up for the Age Group division at the Notre Dame Stadion on July 9, 2022.
Before that day, I have some work to do. I refuse to show up and just wing it. I want to actually do something decent out there. I don't want to embarrass myself. Back in 2012 I did a competitive walking division wherein I came in second place, missing out on winning by less than one second, because of an amazing finishing kick on my part. So I know that I have a competitive side that can come out. My goal for this race is to finish in the middle of the pack for my age group.
Since every Stadion race is different, I analyzed the data from the last one I did (Wrigley). My fastest lap there was 1:03:51. This was by far my Stadion PR, and I failed one obstacle (spear throw) on that lap (it was my second lap, run more slowly and with a friend, that I ran clean). I completed in that time with minimal jogging, but a general effort to "hustle" a bit more than I usually do. I also had done very little stair training in advance of it. All this to say, there is a LOT of room to make gains in my time.
Which is good, because I looked up the results for the Female 35-39 Age Group for that same race. Podium spots were run in 41:09 to 42:44 (yes, fat chance of that, but it's good to know what winning times are). Middle of the 19-person division would require a time of about 50:30. Which means I have to shave about 23 minutes off my Stadion PR to make that goal happen.
With this information, I can begin to look at individual areas of improvement. I have pinpointed several, and estimated very approximately how much time I could save with each one.
1) Clean race OR fast burpees - 2 minutes
2) Great stair training/climbing - 5 minutes
3) Jogging (or god forbid RUNNING) the whole thing - 10 minutes
4) Improved flow in/out of obstacles - 3 minutes
5) Speed on obstacles themselves - 3 minutes
6) Skip aid stations entirely - 1 minute
7) Improve low crawl (flats AND stairs) - 2 minutes
So if I manage to optimize every single area, I could conceivably "run Wrigley" in 38 minutes. That would have absolutely destroyed my age group, so this is all highly optimistic and approximate, but it lays out a solid 7-point plan for training for Notre Dame. I will be training stairs on a weekly basis. I will be getting my running back to where it was in the summer of 2020 when I was jogging a lot. I will get my obstacle proficiency even better and improve my cardio so that I can enter and exit obstacles at a run without a problem. I'll get my weight down to my absolute ideal.
I have plenty of time and lots of motivation. This is happening, dammit. This Is Stadion Age Group. (New vlog series coming soon, LOL)