Cedar Valley Pump and Run, 5/13-14/22, Waterloo, IA
Weather: 70s and humid
Terrain: Roads
Distance: 5K (Garmin: 2.74 miles)
Elevation Gain: approx. 12 feet
I had never done a pump and run before. In fact, I hadn't done any earnest weight lifting since spring of 2009, when I was so burned out on cardio after my first full marathon that I decided gaining muscle would be a fun change of pace. But we all know that I love a challenge, so I agreed to pay American dollars to see how my lifting/running combo stacked up against other middle-aged women in the area.
The pump was held at the Sportsplex in downtown Waterloo, which is a fairly new facility and quite lovely. I arrived right as they were starting up, so I didn't have to wait. There was a scale to verify my weight so that we could determine the appropriate lift amounts. As a 150 lb female in my thirties, I was to bench press 75 lb and bicep curl 45 lb as many times as possible. Each rep would take ten seconds off my 5K time, which was to be run the following morning.
Honestly, I had no idea how this would go. I knew I was far more confident in my pull muscles than my push muscles. Sure enough I posted two reps for the bench, but ten reps for the curl. Two minutes off my 5K time. Afterward I entered a grip dynamometer contest at a booth, which I learned later I WON (I was the strongest-grip lady there with a 108-lb reading). I won a $20 gift card for a local brewery. Hell yeah.
Feeling pumped. Heh. Get it?
The next morning was a scorcher, so I showed up with my ice-cold Gatorade Zero and fairly low expectations. We'd had an unseasonably cold "spring" until race week, when the temps shot up to the 80s. Nobody was acclimated. But we went out there and ran our best. My first mile was awesome. My second mile was fading. My third mile was a trainwreck. Thankfully the third mile was short because this was the SHORTEST alleged 5K I have ever experienced. It was almost 0.4 miles short. People who were finishing and didn't have GPS watches were like "ermahgerd I just set a huge PR!" Girl. No. All things considered, I was happy with the short route, because I was dying. Really living up to my "cardio is hardio" tank top.
Long legs on a short course
It was a very small race so I stuck around for the awards ceremony, thinking there aren't too many folks here so maybe I did okay in my age group. LOL. Not even a little bit. Turns out there are a lot of slim and short running gals who didn't have to push nearly as much weight as I did, so their combined finish time was like ten minutes.
-Location. Everything was easy to get to and park.
-Novelty. It was the first pump and run I've seen in this town.
-Shirt is cute.
-A bit disorganized. It would have been very easy to cheat the pump by saying you were lighter, since there was no real official monitoring of the weigh-ins.
-Cheaters? I'm not saying some of these gals DIDN'T put up 100 total reps, but...I doubt it. Wondering how lax the officials were with the movement standards because it seems impossible that anyone did that many full reps.
-Measure 5K, y'all. Or at least come CLOSE.
Race Grade: B-. Fun but I probably won't do it again. Bench pressing messed up my collarbone until my next chiropractic appointment.