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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Virtual Race Recaps - Spartan and Highlander Assault

With all the "excitement" going on with COVID-19, lots of us are trying to scratch the itch with virtual racing. There are a bunch of options out there but most of them are pretty much the same: cover a distance, do some calisthenics, poof you're done. I've been doing Spartan's virtual races since early April and got two Trifectas in 5 weeks, which I could never do in a non-corona world. I did Highlander Assault's Quarantine 5K Carry a couple days ago and that was also an adventure. Here I will review/recap my experiences with both race types. And I urge you all to do what you can to support the race companies of your choice, as this is a tough time right now. Doing virtual races and/or buying merchandise helps ensure that we will be able to race when the wholly-necessary COVID restrictions let up.

Spartan Virtual

Distances offered: Sprint (5K + 20 obstacles), Super (10K + 25 obstacles), Beast (half marathon + 30 obstacles). They also offer an Ultra (50K + 60 obstacles), but I didn't do that one.

Format: Dealer's choice of how to split up the running and obstacles, but you must complete them all. There are running alternatives such as biking, crawling, jump rope, etc which is nice for people who are/were truly quarantined at home. Obstacles consist mostly of sets of 10 calisthenic exercises (or 10-second isometric holds).

Pros: Virtual races by Spartan are free to participate and get a picture of a medal sent to you. Your time is ranked and shows up in your Athlinks profile. Spartan recently added a paid option to have a t-shirt, trifecta wedge, and sample box sent to you for $29 (can do full trifecta with additional wedge display for $99), plus $8 for shipping. The obstacles require no equipment and are easy to do.

Cons: Are the obstacles TOO easy? A 10-second wall sit, come on. My dead grandmother could do a 10-second wall sit. Also in these kind of things there tends to be way too much triceps work (it's the easiest upper-body muscle group to target with body weight), and this is no exception. We don't need dips, pushups, incline pushups, two kinds of burpees, all in one workout. This is part of the major issue, though, with virtual races in general - you are just not able to get the same experience without actual obstacles. This is why I only did the calisthenics when I did the Beasts. With the Sprints and Supers, I looped around my neighborhood and did my backyard obstacles instead.

Grade: B. It'll do. Glad they're adding the shirts and medals, because they're gonna be limited edition and will be a fun keepsake of the time I had to do tuck jump burpees in a deserted campground.

Highlander Assault Quarantine 5K Carry

Distance offered: 5K

Format: You complete 5K on foot while carrying an object weighing at least 25 lb. Simple, right? I used my 30-lb sandbag and had to switch positions a lot, but it was a good challenge.

Pros: You get a shirt and medal, which are limited edition (the mascot has a gas mask on!). Results will also be posted at the end of the race window. Like Spartan, they verify your time with GPS proof or pictures. Only $25 (about $30 with fees).

Cons: Requires "equipment" (i.e. something that weighs 25 lb, so maybe a particularly docile toddler?). I also wouldn't have minded a 10K option for us crazies.

Grade: A-. It's a straightforward challenge that isn't trying to claim it's a proper obstacle race. You just carry something heavy for a good while. Simple, yet genius.

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